JAVA Loops

Looping is the kind of code that will repeat a code or a series of code a number of times.

While loop is one type of looping in JAVA. Here is the structure.

while ( condition_is_true ) {
    //execute codes here while the condition above is true
    //if the condition above becomes false, the loop stops and continues at the next line
//next series of codes to be executed after the loop condition becomes false.

Do while loop is another type of looping in JAVA. It will execute the code once then a condition will be check. If the condition is true, loop. Here is the structure.

int counter = 0;
do {
     counter++; //increment the counter variable
} while (
counter < 5 ); //if this condition is true, loop.

For loop is also another type of looping in Java. Here is the structure.

for (variable_initialization;condition;increment/decrement) {
    //execute codes here if the condition is true

Try to code this:
JAVA do while for loops

You will notice the difference of the do while loop from the two. After that, try to change the condition > (greater than) to < (less than) and try to run.

*Note: do while loop will execute the code first then check the condition but for loop and while loop will check the condition first before executing the codes inside them.

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